Daily Schedule
We pack a lot of fun into each and every day at Birchwood. From sun-up to sun-down girls are active and independent. We mostly follow the same schedule every day of the week except Sundays when we switch it up for a day. The sound of the camp bell signals the the beginning and end of every activity, meal, and event so we all stay on track.
Girls are given 15 minutes in-between activities to change their fit and travel to new locations. Free times throughout the day offer the chance to chat with friends in other cabins, write letters home, have some personal quiet time, or take a trip to the shower house.
The order of the schedule is below - please see exact times in the Parent Handbook if you are enrolled.
Monday - Saturday
// Wake Up Bell Rings
// Breakfast Hopper Bell Rings
// Flag Raising Bell
// Breakfast
// Caper Time (chores)
// Activity 1
// Activity 2
// Lunch Hopper Bell
// Lunch
// Rest Hour
// Afternoon Snack
// Activity 3
// Activity 4
// Dinner Hopper Bell
// Dinner followed by Free Time
// Evening Activity
// Evening Snack & Cabin Time Together
9:00/10:00pm // Lights Out (depending on age)

Sunday Schedule
On Sundays, campers sleep in and then enjoy fresh homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Morning activities involve a variety of hobbies taught by the Senior Campers. After lunch girls enjoy a long rest hour before engaging in an active afternoon of light-hearted tournaments and team events. A big BBQ buffet dinner is held outside on the Lakeside Deck of the Dining Hall overlooking Steamboat Lake. Afterward, the day is capped off with a joyful and meaningful night of singing around a bonfire at the Campfire Circle.