Adventure at Birchwood…
Wilderness Activities
Camp Birchwood provides opportunities to venture into nature by offering a variety of overnight camping trips and expeditions. We travel by canoe, kayak, horse, foot, or bike. Campers are not required to participate in a wilderness adventure during their stay but are encouraged to try. It is always worth the effort; the bonds and memories made “on the trail” are truly exceptional.

Short Wilderness Excursions
No experience is necessary for any of our shorter trips! Some happen right here on Birchwood’s grounds. Each tiny adventure is geared to introduce campers to camping in the outdoors without overwhelming them. Trip leaders announce upcoming adventures at lunch announcements and anyone interested meets for additional information on the lakeside deck: "Yeah, Lakeside Deck”. Campers who choose to sign up are then taught the proper skills required for the trip and pack out as a group.
Potential Trip Offerings:
A simple, one-night adventure to introduce the basics.
Day hikes on nearby Paul Bunyan Trail.
Overnight horsepacking trip on Birchwood’s acreage**
A two-day kayaking trip on nearby Cass Lake that includes an overnight on an island.
A two to three-day canoeing trip down the Mississippi River.
Day and overnight hiking trips at Itasca State Park (the headwaters of the Mississippi River).
**This option is run through the horseback riding program
We also offer longer trips (usually for those who have finished 7th grade). These adventures require basic skills and some stamina, all of which can be gained at camp! If girls meet the requirements for this trip or gain the skills necessary prior to departure they meet with our Wilderness Director, Krissy, during their first week of camp. These adventures are only offered to 4-week and full summer session campers.
Potential Trip Offerings:
One week-long canoeing trip in the Boundary Water Canoe Wilderness Area on the border of Minnesota and Canada
5-day hiking trip on the Superior Hiking Trail along the north shore of Lake Superior
2 to 3-day rock climbing adventure in Northern Minnesota, including the Shovel Point near Silver Bay
**Eligibility: all campers are eligible for overnight trips of 1-2 nights. Traditional Session campers are only eligible for expeditions, which are longer than 2 nights away from Camp.