We’re Here To Answer Your Questions
Have questions about Camp Birchwood? Think of this page as a really good conversation starter. See below for FAQs - or reach out to us at 218 335 6706 or 800 451 5270 or info@campbirchwood.com! It’s so good for you to call us - often more questions arise in context. We can clarify any questions or concerns about Camp. If you’re thinking about sending your family to camp, we’d like to get to know you as well. It’s better to see if it’s a good fit before your daughter joins us, if expectations match the experience - thats what we’re here for. We won’t randomly call you back or send an email (unless you want us too) - you follow up if you want to!
Is there a boy’s camp across the lake?
No! And that's the best part! Imagine a place where you don't have to worry about what you look like, what kind of clothes you are wearing, or if you are cool enough to be liked by the boys. Imagine a day filled with fun, learning all kinds of amazing activities you could never do back at home, and making friends with a bunch of really sweet and genuine girls. That is what Birchwood is all about — belonging to our web of friendship that connects “just us girls” together.
Can I use the phone or send e-mails?
Campers do not use the phone or send e-mails via computer. Correspondence at camp is via "real mail". Every day mail is delivered to campers in the afternoon before dinner.
Is the lake water warm enough to swim in?
Birchwood sits on the north side of Steamboat Lake. It is a sandy bottom lake, so it warms up fast. By the second week in June, it is a comfortable 70 degrees and continues to warm up all summer.
What’s the Air Quality like at Camp?
The air quality at Birchwood has an AQI of 0-50 which the lowest category within the index. This is the best rating you can have per the CDC (Center for Disease Control).
Can I come as a brand new camper and not feel left out?
Absolutely! In fact - we firmly believe that the campers who get the most out of Birchwood are the ones who come alone! Birchwood has always been a great place to attend all on your own, no matter how old you are. Every summer is brand new and counselors make sure that everyone is included — new or returning — right from the start. By day three, you will feel like you've been at camp your whole life! It’s amazing how you can feel so comfortable so soon here!
What if I get really homesick?
It is perfectly normal to feel worried and anxious about going to camp, even if you have been to camp before! On the first night or two you can expect to feel a little homesick, and sometimes it can linger a little longer. But you will be welcomed right away and will learn the schedule quickly. You will be so busy it will be hard to do anything but have fun. However, if you don't feel okay after a day or two, you can talk to your counselors at any time, go to an older camper to get some advice, or even discuss it with a camp director. Everyone will support you and encourage you.
If I felt sick, or needed something, what would I do?
At any time during your stay, your cabin counselors are there to listen, support, and help you. If you feel sick your counselor will help decide if you need to be seen by our nurse or doctor in camp.
Will Camp Birchwood help me get into college/university?
Absolutely!! Camp Birchwood is an alternative experience that will set you apart on a college entrance essay. Some of our campers in Ivy League schools have chosen Birchwood as their admissions essay topic. Our Senior Leadership Program allows you to earn 120hrs community service. The ability to socialize and develop networks is important as you transition from High School into your freshman year. This is all learned at Camp!
Are there some activities you can't get into every day?
It depends. You go to the sign up window with your cabin group (but you select your own activities to do the next day). To make it fair, cabins take their turn at the window so everyone has the chance to be first in line, and everyone is last in line. Each day you move “up” in line. If you are at the end of the line, then you probably won't be fit into an activity like tubing or waterskiing. However, many of our activities that have a skill building component - such as sailing, tennis, horseback riding, wilderness skills, and so on - are open all the time.
Can I be in a cabin with a friend or relative?
Girls are placed in cabins who are about the same age and within one year of each other in school. If you want to be with a friend or relative, you must request to be with her, and she must request to be with you. We can only honor ONE cabin-mate request. (There is a space for this on the enrollment form and it is later confirmed prior to camp).
Are the mosquitoes bad?
Although Minnesota has mosquitos, we don’t have a lot of issues at Birchwood. We support natural environmental measures to mitigate mosquito populations. Our proactive measures include being inside near sundown/sunset (when they are most active), applying bug spray, and minimizing scented perfumes.